Ableton Live 9 Mixdown Template [FREE DL]
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Get better sounding mixdowns with this free Ableton Live 9 template.
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Mixdown Template for
Ableton Live 9
Free Download ($49.00 value)

The template consists of 12 tracks, grouped and color coded by instrument type. We laid down the basic MIDI and audio tracks and tools such as EQ, Compressors and Stereo Widening, and grouped different instruments together. Now you can create better mixes utilizing this free template.

The template is a perfect starting point to get you going quickly, enabling you to focus on what matters most – creating good music.

[BONUS] Mixing Guide for Digital Music Producers

A balanced and professional sounding mix is what we all strive for. Mixing is a time-consuming process, and doesn’t actually involve any set rules. How do you know if your taking the right steps towards a great sounding mix?

We created this blueprint to help you mix with a systematic approach. By following these guidelines you’ll get a clear picture of the typical things involved in the workflow, gain knowledge of the basic parameters and get better sounding results.

Read the guide

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(Value $39.00)

5788 people have downloaded this template.

You will also get access to tons of other free content, like starter templates, synth presets, guides and more.

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